Wish lists - They remind me of the days when I would go through an Argos catalogue, wanting and wishing to get everything I circled. Fast forward many (many) years, next-day deliveries and online shopping have me wanting and purchasing everything I want and usually don’t need (Adult perks right?).
In May 2024 I decided to have a no-spend month which subsequently led me to curate more and more wish lists on different sites and platforms. However, when building up these lists, I quickly noticed the difference between, what I wanted and what caught my eye just because it was different or “cute”.
So, cue my Summer 2024 wish list showcasing pieces I want and have my eye on (but won’t necessarily buy for different reasons). Most of these items have been on my list for a few weeks and I still want them which is imperative to note when considering what you ultimately end up buying. Below are items from different categories from a range of stores. Are any of these on your list already? Leave a comment and let me know.